Coaching Course – spots available

CyclingNZ Coaching Course, Wgtn or Kapiti
Date: 15-17 December 2017
Times: Friday eve is 6 to 9pm, and then all day Sat & Sun.
Venue: TBC – Kapiti BMX have kindly offered their track and clubrooms for the course. This may suit unless we are offered a central location free of charge.
We have people interested from Wainui BMX, Kapiti BMX and PNP road & track. We are keen for more though, especially PNP MTB.
Course Fees: The fee is $260. This includes course administration, manuals/resources and accreditation. It does not include travel, accommodation and meals.
Course content/resources:
All resources will be provided on day one, there is no pre-course reading requirements however below is a list of the modules that we will be covering over the two + days:
• Your role as a coach
• Coaching Principles – current worldwide research and practice
• Risk assessment/management/child safety/protection
• Session Planning
• Coaching language, communication & presentational skills
• Youth specific training guidelines and raising performance riders.
• Coaching practicals
Contact: – Education Manager, Cycling New Zealand